Blog Post

Proposed Bill on Assisted Dying

Chris Moore • Oct 12, 2024

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has issued a pastoral letter on assisted suicide to be read in the churches of the Archdiocese of Westminster on the weekend of 12-13 October. Catholics are asked to be aware of the gravity of what is at stake. The letter will address the private members’ Bill on assisted suicide that will be introduced to the UK’s House of Commons on Wednesday 16 October 2024. One of the fundamental concerns surrounding this Bill is that it will give a person of sound will and mind the right to end their life. For people of faith, our life flows from God and is a gift of the Creator, while, as Cardinal Nichols emphasises, suffering is an intrinsic part of our human journey: “The questions raised by this bill go to the very heart of our lives, our humanity…Every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. That is the source of our dignity and it is unique to the human person. The suffering of a human being is not meaningless. It does not destroy that dignity.” …ultimately we place our lives in God’s hands.

By Chris Moore 12 Oct, 2024
Cardinal Vincent Nichols has issued a pastoral letter on assisted suicide to be read in the churches of the Archdiocese of Westminster on the weekend of 12-13 October. Catholics are asked to be aware of the gravity of what is at stake. The letter will address the private members’ Bill on assisted suicide that will be introduced to the UK’s House of Commons on Wednesday 16 October 2024. One of the fundamental concerns surrounding this Bill is that it will give a person of sound will and mind the right to end their life. For people of faith, our life flows from God and is a gift of the Creator, while, as Cardinal Nichols emphasises, suffering is an intrinsic part of our human journey: “The questions raised by this bill go to the very heart of our lives, our humanity…Every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. That is the source of our dignity and it is unique to the human person. The suffering of a human being is not meaningless. It does not destroy that dignity.” …ultimately we place our lives in God’s hands.
By Chris Moore 11 Oct, 2024
You can meet Children’s Catholic author, Madeleine Carroll, at Belmont Abbey on Saturday 26 October at 3pm when she will talk about how her Christian faith influences her writing. For a true Christmas present for your children and grandchildren purchase a signed copy by the author on the day of her books on the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem: The Bethlehem Shepherd’s, The Donkey’s Journey, Ephraim’s Gladness, Joyful Noise, One Silent Night, She pondered the starlight: Mary’s first Christmas, When the Stars Shone Bright, a Christmas tale. Madeleine will also sign copies of her other books: Beholding Beauty, The Carpenter and the Cross, The Creator’s Love Story, Encounter at Emmaus, The Joyful Mystery. If you are unable to attend the event you can pre-order a signed copy of any of these books by emailing Fr James at , stating which title you want by Thursday 24 October.
By Chris Moore 11 Oct, 2024
Our Lady’s Parish Quiz will take place on Saturday, 16th November 2024 in the Parish Meeting Room, 6.45pm for 7.00pm. Tickets are £10.00 per person and will be available three weeks before that weekend. This event is always well attended and promises to be a warm, delightful and sociable evening with good company.
By Chris Moore 11 Oct, 2024
The Sunday evening Mass has been re-introduced at Our Lady’s. This Mass resumed on Sunday, 6th October at 6.30pm. The morning Mass at 10.00am remains unchanged.
By Webmaster 22 Sep, 2024
Would you like to have a birthday or special occasion celebrated for a friend or family member or Sympathy for the loss of a cherished person? You can have a Mass said for that person on these special occasions or for any other special intention. Grab a Mass Intention envelope and enter the name and date for the Mass you require. Envelopes are available at the rear of the church. You can call or email the parish office at the Presbytery. This is a beautiful and special way to pay tribute to our loved ones. There is no better gift that we can that offer, none more supreme than the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
By Webmaster 22 Sep, 2024
The UK Liturgy Commission has arranged two days of information and preparation, and training for Clergy, Ministers of the Word, and other interested parishioners in preparation for the introduction of the English Standard Version of the new lectionary which is due to arrive at the beginning of Advent this year. The venue nearest to Our Lady’s may be of some interest: • Saturday, 5th October Father John Hemer MHM, Scripture Lecturer at Allen Hall, will lead a day in the Parish Centre at Our Lady and Saint Michael, Abergavenny. • Saturday, 19th October Father Javier Ruiz-Ortiz, Dean of Studies in Allen Hall, will lead a day in the Parish Centre at Saint Mary, Bridgend Each day will run from 10.30am to 3pm. Tea and coffee will be available as people gather 10am – 10.30am, and during the lunch break – please bring your own packed lunch. All those wishing to attend must register by contacting Kirsty Vater\; ( ), specifying which day and venue they wish to attend
By Webmaster 22 Sep, 2024
Belmont’s annual Parish Quiz will take place on Saturday, 9th November 2024 in Hedley Lodge, 6.45pm for 7.00pm. Tickets are £14.00 per person, Application Forms can be found in the folder in the glass porch on entry to the Abbey church. This event is always well attended and promises to be a warm and delightful evening.
By Webmaster 28 Jul, 2024
From October of this year the lectionaries, which are all the books, including daily missals, containing the scripture readings for Mass and the other sacraments, is changing as part of the continuing process of revising the liturgical translations. The changes are intended to make the translations more faithful to the original languages and to provide a text that is both more readable and more inclusive. They will also be in larger print making them easier to read. This means that ALL the books used at Mass, and the other sacraments, have to be replaced. The estimated cost to the parish will be over a £1000, each set of books cost between £300 and £700. If you would like to donate to the cost or simply to give whatever you can (every little helps) please hand your donation into Fr Andrew. You may wish to donate money in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for God’s love. Thank you in advance for your generosity.  If you would like to see the new lectionaries, the catalogue is in the sacristy and Fr. Andrew will be more than happy to show you
By Webmaster 21 Jul, 2024
Our parish piety shop is now open for you to browse the wide selection of religious items and cards on offer. Please go and have a look what is on offer and if there is something you want but isn’t there let us know and we can try and order it for you.
By Webmaster 19 Jun, 2024
We urgently need People to help with those parts of parish life that happen all the time but are rarely seen. If you can help count the collection (training will be given); cleaning the church, or to act as a welcomer please have a word with Father Andrew. Remember this is your parish family so if you can help in any way please do
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