Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish serves the whole community in our local area. We have a number on ongoing community projects and other exciting ideas in the pipeline. We are in the process of fundraising to upgrade the Community Hall, toilets and kitchen facilities to improve its environmental standards and to make it fully accessible for people with significant mobility issues, sensory loss and cognitive decline.
Soup Lunches
Every Saturday, from about 12 noon to 1:00pm our parish volunteers serve free soup and rolls, tea, coffee and biscuits and most importantly a warm welcome to anyone who attends. Since its inception, the small group of regulars have formed a friendship group where they can share their experiences and support one another.
Community Coffee Mornings
Starting on Tuesday 11th March, at 10:30am, we will be holding a coffee morning every 2 weeks in the parish meeting room which is open to everyone. On the 11th and 25th March representatives of the Citizens Advice Bureau will be on hand to provide one to one advice to anyone who requires it.
Community Garden
Our parish is currently exploring the possibility of using some of the grounds to establish a Community Garden in partnership with other local and national groups.
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