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Served by the Benedictine Community of Belmont Abbey

Parish News, Events and Information

By Chris Moore January 15, 2025
A Parish Stewardship Initiative encourages parishioners to reflect on the blessings they have received from God and, in thanksgiving, return a portion of the gifts of time, talent and treasure allotted to them. So, please think about sharing the talents that God has given each of us, for example skills and gifts to do certain things well, so that we can use them for the good of the parish and for others. On the newsletter (19th January 2025) there is an appeal for people to join the team to help with preparing the flowers displayed in the Church. Over the coming weeks, there will be further requests for people to help with church cleaning, reading at Mass, welcoming, serving tea and coffee and much more. Please pray and think about how you could contribute your skills and talents.
By Chris Moore January 5, 2025
The Children's Film show was postponed last Friday. This will now be held on Friday 14th February at 6.00pm in the Parish Hall – Disney’s ‘Elemental’. Tickets £5 each including party food, available from John McGowan in February. Tickets already purchased remain valid or can be refunded if you cannot make the new date.
By Chris Moore December 7, 2024
RECEIVING THE SYNOD: What happens in our parish? The 3-year 'Synod on Synodality', one of the most important events in the life of the modern Church, has concluded at the end of October with a big assembly of bishops and others in Rome. It was an important event in the life of the church, but we might wonder what difference it makes, and if it matters to us at all. One of the ‘experts’ at the assembly, Dr Austen Ivereigh, will help our parishes receive the fruits of the synod in two separate sessions at Hedley Lodge, Belmont Abbey. The first session held on Saturday, 23rd November explained the reason for the synod and what it means for our future. For those unable to attend, a recording of the talk is available below. https://youtu.be/claRVlSqFpA The next session will be aimed at discussing how to implement the Synod in our parishes. It will be held on Saturday 18th January 2025, from 10.00am to 4.00pm in Hedley Lodge, Belmont Abbey. Please bring a packed lunch - tea and coffee will be available.

This Hereford parish is part of the Herefordshire Catholic Deanery within the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cardiff-Menevia. Our Archbishop, the Most Rev Mark O'Toole was appointed bishop on 20th June 2022 by His Holiness Pope Francis.


The Sunday Morning Mass is available to Live Stream at 10am.

All are welcome at our parish

Please do make yourself known to the Parish Priest if you are new to the parish or just visiting

About Our Parish

"Dare to dream big dreams..."

Pope Francis teaches us that the youth of today must not live in fear, but must strive to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship should be a foundation for our younger generation to "dare to dream big dreams" with confidence and without fear.
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