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Served by the Benedictine Community of Belmont Abbey

Parish News, Events and Information

By Chris Moore March 23, 2025
The next talk in the Horizons of Hope series will be given by Dr Jordan Pullicino who is a lecturer in Pastoral Theology at St Mary's Oscott. It will be held on Saturday 5th April, 10.00am - 12.30pm at Hedley Lodge, Belmont Abbey, Hereford HR2 9RZ. All are welcome.
By Chris Moore March 14, 2025
WOW (Widow or Widowers) group Since 2022 we have steadily grown in numbers and now there are almost twenty of us, aged from 65 to 80+. We meet in the Belmont parish centre on the first Tuesday of the month at 11 O'clock, share a cuppa, cake and friendly chat. We also have some sort of activity, in March it was pancakes (as the meeting fell on shrove Tuesday) supplied by the kitchen at Belmont Abbey, and a quiz. Last month we had a game of “Bird Bingo” which was enjoyed by all. We go for the occasional meal out, the Cider Orchard Restaurant at the college being a particular favourite. In the summer months we have been on outings to local National Trust Properties. We go to parish events as a group meaning there is always someone you know to sit with. As a group we help with the Annual Summer Fete either as stall holders, washer ups or car park attendants. Although based at Belmont Abbey, the group is open to any widow or widowers not just parishioners, several of our members are non-catholic. That said, we always start the meeting with our WOW Prayer,where we particularly remember our loved ones’ anniversaries. New to this year I have also started to do a newsletter for the group. Anyone interested can just turn up on the meeting day or in any further info is required my email is: juliemirfin@btinternet.com . March 25 Newsletter
By Chris Moore February 28, 2025
Our Lady’s Community Hall, Belmont Road, Hereford, is a large multipurpose space. It offers low-cost venue hire and support services for local residents, including families using the adjacent primary school. Built in the 1950s, the building needs upgrading so it can be used by more people. We want to make sure the redevelopment meets the needs of all the community. A public survey will be open until 31 March. It only takes five minutes and at the end you can enter a draw to win £50 of gift cards of your choice. Have your say here … https://Devonconsultants.co.uk/OurLady Or use the QR code underneath: Open the Camera app on your phone. Hold your phone so that the QR code appears in view. Tap the notification to open the link associated with the QR code.

This Hereford parish is part of the Herefordshire Catholic Deanery within the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cardiff-Menevia. Our Archbishop, the Most Rev Mark O'Toole was appointed bishop on 20th June 2022 by His Holiness Pope Francis.


The Sunday Morning Mass is available to Live Stream at 10am.

We are aware that there is currently a problem with our Live Stream service. We are seeking professional advice to resolve the issues which we believe may relate to the lack of WiFi in the Church itself.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused and will advise as soon as the problem is recitifed.

All are welcome at our parish

Please do make yourself known to the Parish Priest if you are new to the parish or just visiting

About Our Parish

"Dare to dream big dreams..."

Pope Francis teaches us that the youth of today must not live in fear, but must strive to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship should be a foundation for our younger generation to "dare to dream big dreams" with confidence and without fear.
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